Thursday, December 1, 2011

The 3 Yard Challenge and the LIC Textbooks

You still have 10 more creative days to 3 Yard Challenge Day (i.e.  December 14) 

Our Living in Christ series is built on a pedagogy that says that deeper learning and understanding comes as students are engaged in the learning process, as they enter into the learning through carrying out different types of activities or projects based around what they are trying to learn. Learning by doing helps them commit the learning to memory in a different way.

The idea of this exercise is that by engaging in the exercize we commit the reality of incremental innovation to our memory in a different way; we move from thinking and talking about 3 yards to actually creating a representation of incremental innovation that can serve as a future and constant reminders to us going forward.

3 Yards

Think about what you could hang up in your area  that would help to convey the concept of 3 yards.  On a football field this is done with spray paint and grass.  But it can be as simple as three little candy bars on a piece of paper or three bold lines in a rectangle as pictured above, something than can remind you or me, that we move forward step by step.  

Don't overthink the exercise, it really is just that simple.....find one way to convey 3 yards or 3 steps in a progression.  Do this exersize by yourself or with a team member or two.  

Come up with your approach to conveying "3 yards" by December 14. (For off site employees, just submit a photo of your "3 yards" to and your model will be part of the challenge.)

A visiting guest will determine the top 3 winners. The winner of the top model of conveying "3 yards" will receive a gift card to the local restaurant of their choice.

Just for fun--A little holiday video of St Nick in the Big Apple.....this is a short video showing LIVE coverage from the Macy's day parade. It's quite amazing to see in person if you ever get the chance. Right before the video started, everyone was chanting "SANTA, SANTA, SANTA."  You'd think he was a rock star. 

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